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BEYOND AVERAGE Nutrition Program

6-Week Virtual Group Coaching Program. Take your COULD HAVE BEEN ME...TO LOOK AT ME NOW!


This is where the journey to reclaiming your body and confidence begins.


Say goodbye to the endless cycle of fad diets and hello to a transformation that goes beyond inches lost.


It's time to reignite your passion, embrace your strength, and feel truly confident in your skin. It’s time to redefine society’s norm on aging! Are you ready to go beyond average?

We Start Monday, April 29th


Does this sound like you?

You're exhausted from the endless cycle of trying yet another diet, only to find it fails you when you need it most. With our Signature NYA Method, we are going to teach you a sustainable approach to nutrition that not only helps you shed inches but also empowers you to maintain your results long-term. 

Ever felt the temporary elation of showcasing your 'before and after' photos, only to later hide from the camera, overwhelmed by the shame of regaining the weight, and then some? 


Imagine this summer instead of hiding from the camera, envision stepping confidently into the spotlight, proud of your progress and the healthy body you've worked hard to achieve.

Do you find yourself splitting your wardrobe between clothes you dream of fitting into again and those you wear out of necessity, resigned to your current size? 

Say goodbye to the dual wardrobe struggle and hello to a closet filled with clothes that fit and flatter your newfound confidence.

Remember the days when your confidence and vitality were palpable, your sex drive vibrant, but now, the mere thought of undressing leaves you feeling exposed and unattractive?

Picture yourself reclaiming the passion and confidence you once had, feeling sexy and desirable, with the lights on and a renewed zest for intimacy and connection.

Did you anticipate reclaiming your time and energy once the kids were grown, only to find yourself still caught in the whirlwind of responsibilities, caring for aging parents, and grappling with guilt over the time you can't spend with your grandkids?

Rather than feeling overwhelmed by caregiving responsibilities, imagine finding balance and carving out time for self-care, guilt-free, knowing that prioritizing your health and happiness benefits not only you but also your loved ones.

You’re tired, exhausted and feel like you are “over the hill” but still fighting an uphill battle. Imagine instead waking up each morning feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to conquer the day ahead. With our Beyond Average Nutrition Program, you'll discover how to reclaim your energy and overcome that uphill struggle. Say goodbye to feeling 'over the hill' and hello to a renewed sense of strength and well-being. It's time to thrive, not just survive!"

And perhaps, worst of all, have you resigned yourself to the belief this is just the fate of women over 50 – accepting the expanding waistline, the dwindling energy, the lost sex drive, and the persistent aches and pains as the unavoidable consequences of aging?

We Start Monday, April 29th



We reject the notion that declining health and vitality are inevitable with age.

Instead of just accepting this, picture yourself totally flipping the script. Imagine feeling strong, full of energy, and loving life, even when you're over 50. It's all about embracing an awesome, active lifestyle that keeps you feeling happy, healthy, and excited for the “next half”!

We get and understand the struggles you’re facing. The average person thinks this is just the status quo and wishes it could be different.


We Start Monday, April 29th

Payment Options Available

at Checkout. 

That’s why we are SO EXCITED to introduce THE BEYOND AVERAGE NUTRITION PROGRAM– our new 6 week Program is designed specifically for those who are ready to go Beyond Average and live the NOT YOUR AVERAGE LIFSTYLE that embraces a transformative journey towards that vision of what you have always wanted to be and feel at this age.

We developed this system after working with 100’s of women frustrated by not being able to keep the results after the “diet”. Woman who were ready to throw up their hands and say screw it and just accept societies norm on aging.


Unlike traditional diets, where you either get a meal plan template that only works until it runs out (then you have no idea how to keep going)


Your handed these numbers called “macros” (what the hell is a “macro”) and asked to start tracking and hit these numbers everyday…

You already were frustrated and confused before you started, and now this?

You just want to start losing inches, have more energy, and feel good again!

So is it Meal Plans or Macros?

Over the years as we have coached our 1:1 clients we have found in order to create long term success – aka a lifestyle - It’s actually both!

After being frustrated with “group” challenges but knowing not everyone could do 1:1 group coaching, we were determined to come up with a program capable of helping more people get started towards living that lifestyle AND learning exactly what is needed to keep it sustainable.

The NYA Method is our Signature Blueprint

this is the very method we use with all our 1:1 coaching clients. There are 3 key steps all of our clients go through; and master, to lose fat sustainably. During the program we are going to break down each one of the components;




our habits



Nutrition - Weeks 1-3 will start with a WEEKLY MEAL PLAN. This will get you started eating the right foods, immediately increasing your energy, feeling better and seeing the inches start to disappear.

Weeks 4-6 This is where the “template” one size fits all gets thrown out the window and we set you up with YOUR OWN CUSTOM macros based on YOU and YOUR lifestyle. This is such a powerful tool which will empower you to support your own body’s unique needs, achieve fat loss, and keep it off. 


You will have the choice to pick your own foods; BUT, we will also give you meal plan templates based on your calories to choose from. It takes the "overwhelm" out of trying to figure out the right foods to come up with for the day.


Each week we will be building foundational habits that will set you up for long-term success. No we are not throwing a gazillion habits for you to do over the 6 weeks. Just a few of the most foundational ones that you can easily establish over the 6 weeks.  It’s not about going from 0 to 100. It’s about little steps…that add up over time. 1% better every day

ACCOUNTABILITY: check-ins weekly and doable action steps.

This is usually the missing puzzle piece. Accountability is HUGE and is a real dial-mover! Having a coach hold you accountable, weekly calls, questions answered, motivation and constant support is the key to our success with clients. Most of the time people know what to do. They are just missing that “accountability” piece of the puzzle.

This is for you if...

You want to make real progress towards your health and fitness goals. Without sacrificing your favorite foods and social life.

You’re tired of yo-yo dieting and cookie-cutter plans that don’t work.

Frustrated thinking your metabolism is shot, that you are too old to get the body you want and need to just accept this is what happens with “age”.

You want to learn real methods that will give you lasting results.

Feel like you are doing all the right things and nothing is working.


You want to build a solid and lasting foundation around nutrition, fitness and your long term health.

This is NOT for you if...

You are looking for just a meal plan.

You’re looking for a quick fix.

You aren’t open to learning or growing.

You’re not ready to put in the work.

You want to continue to struggle when it comes to your health and fitness.

You’re ok with being average.

We Start Monday, April 29th

Payment Options Available

at Checkout! 

What's Included:

  • 6 plus hours of live coaching and education -Weekly live coaching calls with Kathy & Shawn for real-time Q&A, accountability, education & weekly action steps ($1,600 value)

  • A Personalized Macronutrient Assessment to determine your specific calorie, protein, carbohydrate, and fat numbers to reach your personal wellness goals ($300 value)

  • Weeks 1, 2 & 3 meal plan with recipes and shopping list ($259 value)

  • Weeks 3-6 Recipes with macro breakdown grouped by category (breakfast, lunch/dinner, snack, desserts. Sample macro meal plans for each calorie level 1200-1800 custom macros, macro template meal plans ($549 value)

We promise to take your “could have been me-to LOOK AT ME NOW”


  • Have more energy

  • Get stronger

  • Lose inches 

  • Feel confident in your clothes

  • Have a better relationship with food

  • Regain confidence, vitality, and sensuality for intimacy and connection.

  • And enjoy the life you want to live

We Start Monday, April 29th

Not Your Average Nutrition Program!

Say goodbye to the endless cycle of fad diets and hello to a transformation that goes beyond inches lost.

Start Enrollment by dropping your name and email below.

Payment Options Available at Checkout

We start April 29th!

Hi, Kat & Shawn here!


Your go-to team to teach you how to make health a priority as you age, not an excuse!




 Both certified nutrition coaches and personal trainers, we've been through it all – from the early days( 20’s and 30’s) trying all the fad diets and the “gadgets” to lose weight to our early 40’s competing in figure and bodybuilding competitions then navigating the challenges of going from overweight to severely underweight and underfed (and did  I mention way to many hours spent doing cardio) we ended up in our  40’s with a metabolic system that needed some major repair. It was during this pivotal time that we realized the importance of making lasting changes to our health – not regulated by the scale, mirror or pant size…but our health…future health.


Through our own journey, we  discovered true health and wellness isn't about quick fixes or temporary solutions. It's about making sustainable lifestyle changes that prioritize your long-term well-being. By implementing the same principles and strategies we'll be sharing with you in our program, we were able to break free from the cycle of diets and workouts that led to frustration and disappointment. Instead, we found a path to health that brings joy, fun, and confidence, no matter what stage of life you're in. We're excited to share our knowledge and support you on your journey to becoming the healthiest, happiest version of yourself. Let's make this journey together, one step at a time! 1% better every day! 

We Start Monday, April 29th

Payment Options Available

at Checkout. 


We Start Monday, April 29th

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